Lebih Baik Naik Vespa
Rabu, 02 Januari 2013
Selasa, 20 Maret 2012
Lahirnya Vespa Sprint dalam medio dekade 1960?an sebagai salah satu varian scooter produksi Piaggio, terbilang cukup mencuri perhatian para scooterist di seluruh dunia. Dengan penampilan awal yang hampir menyerupai Vespa Grand Lux, Vespa 150 Sprint hadir seakan ingin melanjutkan semangat kebebasan generasi 1960?an kepada genarasi 1970?an dalam hal berkendaraan scooter tanpa harus kehilangan sentuhan stylish namun tangguh.
Hampir setiap sudut penampilan Vespa 150 Sprint diperbesar dari vespa umumnya keluaran dekade 1960?an (VNA/VNB/VBB/VBC). Memiliki ukuran ban lebih lebar (3.50X10?), box dikedua bagian kiri kanannya serta spakbor yang lebih besar dibandingkan vespa kelas super menjadikan scooter ini tampil lebih unggul dan gagah dibandingkan dengan sekelasnya (150cc).
Hal tersebut dapat dimaklumi mengingat Vespa 150 Sprint seakan ingin menghidupkan kembali nuansa Vespa GL dalam bentuk lain di era 1970?an namun dengan harga yang terjangkau. Bahkan beberapa pendapat mengatakan bahwa vespa serie ini merupakan spec-drop dari Vespa GL.
Didukung oleh strategi pemasaran khas vespa, sepertinya Piaggio cukup berhasil dalam penjualan produksi vespa serie sprint, hal ini mengingat dalam variant tersebut sempat dikeluarkan dua jenis dimana keduanya memiliki perbedaan-perbedaan yang nyata dari segi penampilan maupun ketangguhan mesinnya.
Vespa 150 Sprint
Dikeluarkan pada tahun 1965 hingga 1974, Vespa 150 Sprint merupakan generasi awal dari serie ini. Menggunakan salah satu keluarga mesin klasik 145.55 cc dengan penambahan cukup signifikan dalam hal kekuatan yaitu melalui besaran daya angkut yang diselaraskan dengan kecepatannya.
Kerangka body Vespa 150 Sprint sama dengan produk untuk Vespa GL, namun dengan sentuhan warna baru yakni silver metalik. Di sayap (fender) bagian kanan tersemat kata Vespa Sprinttersusun miring dua baris dengan style italic handwritting terbuat dari sejenis campuran alumunium yang berefek kebiru-biruan. Begitupun halnya dengan kata dibagian belakang, tertulis 150 Sprint tersusun miring satu baris yang berbahan serta material sama seperti bagian depan dan terletak agak diatas lampu bagian belakang.
Terdapat striping lurus terbuat dari alumunium pada bagian spakbor depan, box bagasi dan box mesin yang sejajar di kiri kanannya. Dengan kunci stang berbentuk oval, Vespa 150 Sprint menggunakan 2 jenis jok sesuai dengan permintaan yaitu model jok (sadle) ganda (pengendara dan penumpang) berwarna biru tua maupun dan jok panjang (single-seater).
Adapun bagian-bagian yg berlapis krum adalah baut gagang rem depan dan gagang kopling, klakson, rumah lampu belakang, ring lampu depan, kunci stang, tutup kunci stang dan kunci tutup box bagasi. Lapisan berwarna seng terdapat pada bagian-bagian seperti standar, shock bagian depan, seluruh baut dan mur serta tutup bak kopling.
Sementara itu bagian yg beraksen posfor meliputi shock bagian belakang termasuk per, baut dan murnya, serta per bagian depan. Sentuhan metal halus terdapat pada bagian gagang rem depan dan kopling, pedal rem belakang, gantungan barang, kuku macan, jengger depan, selahan, kunci (pengkait) box mesin, gagang kran bensin, dan lis sayap depan. Bagian yg bernuansa stainless adalah rumah saklar dan lis karpet tengah yang terbuat dari karet.
Dengan stang (handlebar) model kotak seperti GL dan Super serta speedometer oval, adapun nomor serial body Vespa 150 Sprint terukir dibagian kiri dibawah box bagasi dengan kodeVLB1T 1001-VLB1T 1205477 dan nomor mesin di bagian paha ayam mesin dekat pipa saluran knalpot diawali dengan kode VLB1M. Bagian-bagian lain yg memiliki warna berkesan alumuniummeliputi velg, tromol depan dan belakang, tutup kipas, fork depan. Sementara itu warna lapisan anti karatnya adalah abu-abu.
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce
Diproduksi antara tahun 1969 hingga 1979 mesin Vespa Sprint 150 Veloce dirancang lebih dahsyat ketimbang Vespa 150 Sprint. Dimana salah satunya adalah dengan ditanamkannya karburator berukuran 20/20 dan saringan karburator yang diperbesar.
Perubahan lainnya adalah pada knalpot yg lebih besar sehingga menghasilkan suara berbeda dari serie sebelumnya. Dengan top speed mesin mencapai 97km/h, ukuran body Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce sama dengan Vespa 150 Sprint. Veloce memiliki model baru dalam bentuk lampu depan yang membulat dengan lingkaran 130mm dan dilindungi oleh ring lampu beraksen krum. Terdapat lampu kecil yang tersambung dengan lampu depan, berwarna hijau dikelilingi oleh ring alumunium di stang bagian atas speedometer.
Speedometerpun mengalami perubahan yang kontras dibandingkan dengan Vespa 150 Sprint. Speedometer veloce dirancang sama dengan model Vespa Super serie terakhir yang berbentuk lebih kecil (clamshell), mempunyai warna putih fascia dengan maximum angka tertera 120 km/h.
Sama halnya dengan Vespa 150 Sprint, veloce memiliki logo model baru yang berbentukhexagonal (cung) tersematkan didepan mengganti logo P/ seperti serie vespa keluaran sebelumnya.
Dengan tidak menyertakan kembali striping alumunium yang terdapat pada spakbor depan dan box kiri-kanan. Pada awal produksinya, model handgrip veloce berwarna abu-abu terangdengan lambang Piaggio hexagonal didalamnya. Pada saat perjalanan produksi warna handgrip diganti hitam juga speedometer dan karet box kiri-kanannya.
Lampu belakang yang berbentuk kotak besar seakan menyembul dari body bagian belakang berwarna merah menyala dengan reflector menyatu didalamnya dan dilindungi oleh tutup yang terbuat dari bahan plastic pada bagian atasnya dengan warna senafas warna body.
Pada perkembangannya motif tulisan bagian depan dan belakangpun ikut berubah. Tulisanvespa bagian depan menggunakan font yang lebih tegas beraksen krum dimana setiap hurufnya seakan disatukan oleh plat yang berbintik halus dan berwarna hitam dengan posisi horizontal. Sementara itu pada bagian belakang tertulis vespa v. beraksen krum ter-embossyang dibingkai dengan bentuk segi empat memanjang dimana dasar dari tulisan tersebut berwarna hitam berbintik halus dengan posisi horizontal. Adapun bahan dan material dari pada tulisan tersebut sama dengan serie sebelumnya.
Lapisan krum terdapat pada bagian-bagian yang antara lain ring lampu depan, tutup kunci stang dan kunci box bagasi. Lapisan beraksen seng terdapat pada bagian standar, shockbreaker dan per bagian depan, baut dan mur, dan tutup bak presneleng. Aksen phosfor menghiasi shock bagian belakang (termasuk per, baut dan mur), per standar dan mur baut bagian mesin. Kesan warna metal halus terdapat pada gagang rem depan dan kopling, pedal rem belakang, gantungan barang, jengger spakbor, selahan, kunci box mesin, kuku macan dan puteran kunci tangki. Sementara itu lapisan stainless terkesan pada rumah saklar dan lis karpet karet tengah.
Adapun nomor serial body Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce terukir dibagian kiri dibawah box bagasi dengan kode VLB1T 0150001-VLB1T 0368119. Pada perkembangannya seiring dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada beberapa bagian sebagaimana tersebut diatas, nomor serial body pindah posisi ke sebelah kanan box mesin sama seperti produk-produk piaggio era 1980?an.
Namun demikian nomor mesin tetap berada di bagian paha ayam mesin dekat pipa saluran knalpot. Bagian lain yg memiliki warna alumunium adalah velg, tromol, tutup kipas, fork depan, dan warna lapisan anti karatnya adalah abu-abu.
Seiring dengan warna-warninya kehidupan generasi 1970?an yang dikenal dengan flower generation, Piaggio menangkap semangat ini melalui pengaplikasian warna-warna cerah dalam produk Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce. Apabila pada Vespa 150 Sprint hanya tersedia satu warna saja (silver metalik), tidak demikian halnya dengan Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce.
Veloce dari tahun ke tahun memiliki option warna yang berbeda-beda antara lain sebagai berikut: 1969-1970 warna silver metalik, 1970-1971 biru, 1971-1972 metalik putih rembulan, 1972-1973 merah, 1973-1975 hijau ascot, 1975-1976 hijau valombrossa, 1976-1979 biru marine dan abu-abu polaris.
Head To Head
Berikut ini adalah perbedaan spesifikasi yang menyertai Vespa 150 Sprint dengan Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce:
Kamis, 08 Maret 2012
mengenai mesin vespa
Prisip dasar kinerja dari pada mesin vespa ini berbasis dua tak atau dua langkah, langkah pertama adalah pembilasan serta percampurannya antara bahan bakar dan udara yang sebelumnya sudah di atur dari karburator, lalu langkah kedua proses penekanan bahan bakar keruang bakar sehingga terjadilah ledakan dari percikan api busi dan bahan bakar yang berakibat adanya dorongan seher yang memutar poros engkol dan kopling gir transmisi. Di bawah ini saya akan menjelaskan perangkat mesin vespa super yang terdiri dari
Karburator adalah satu komposisi alat yang mengatur suplai bahan bakar ke ruang bakar, ini sebuah alat yang berkerja secara kinetik tanpa alat elektronik sipengendara hanya mengatur suplai udara melalui tuas gas yan ada distang kemudi lalu perangkat lainnya dari karburator menyesuaikan dengan sendirinya.
Yang disebut Proses pengapian adalah terjadinya satu percikan api busi sebagai penyulut bahan bakar yang telah tercampur dan terbilas oleh poros engkol atau krukas yang ada dalam ruang bakar guna terjadinya ledakan yang menghasilkan dorongan seher. Api yang ada di busi daihasilkan dari SPUL PLATINA yang ada dalam medan magnet, setrum dari spul di stabilkan KONDENSATOR berukuran 2 farad lalu di sinyalkan atau sistem pemulsaran oleh PLATINA setrum yang melalui proses di atas di perkuat atau perbesar oleh KOIL, proses ini berdampak percikan api di BUSI berkekuatan lebih dari 4000 voltase dengan titik ampere lemah
Ruang bakar adalah satu ruang yang ada di dalam mesin vespa untuk menghasilkan tenaga berkapasitas 150 CC, di sini terjadi proses MIXTURISASI atau penyampuran antara bahan bakar berjenis bensin dengan udara KRUKAS atau poros engkol stelah bahan bakartercampur di transperkan oleh seher yang nya tlah terdorong oleh proses sebelumnya melelui rongga ransfering yang ada pada BLOK SILINDER, lalu bahan bakar mengalami penekannan ke ruang vakum yang ada pada HEAD SILINDER di sini lah terjadi ledakan hasil dari tekanan dan percikan api busi, sisa bahan bakar yang berjenis korbon dioksida dibuang ke udara lepas melalui lubang buang mengarah ke KNALPOT yang berfungsi menmanfaatkan gas buang sebagai kompresi balik untuk menyempurnakan proses selanjutnya, dan juga knalpot ini berfungsi sebagai peredam suara ledakan,
Tiga proses di atas menghasilkan rotasi atau perputaran mesin dan gir-gir yang ada di girbok di melalui KOPLING atau cluth yang berpungsi sebagai otomatis penetral putaran gir sesui dengan keinginan pengendara dalam gir bok terdiri dari GEAR PRIMER atau lebih di kenal dengan gigi borobudur rotasi dari gigi borobudur ini berhubungan langsung dengan GEAR SEKUNDER atau lebih dikenal sebagai gigi seri. Pengaturan transmisi dari kecepatan gigi 1 ke 4 doleh CRASH GEAR atau gigi silang pengaturan ini langsung di hubung kan ke kendali atau stang motor, keunikan mesin ini dalam mantransferkan tenaga tidak menggunakan sistem rantai. Dalam perawatan lebih murah dan mudah yang terpenting adalah ketelitian dan ka apikan kit menggunakan mesin ini.
Prisip dasar kinerja dari pada mesin vespa ini berbasis dua tak atau dua langkah, langkah pertama adalah pembilasan serta percampurannya antara bahan bakar dan udara yang sebelumnya sudah di atur dari karburator, lalu langkah kedua proses penekanan bahan bakar keruang bakar sehingga terjadilah ledakan dari percikan api busi dan bahan bakar yang berakibat adanya dorongan seher yang memutar poros engkol dan kopling gir transmisi. Di bawah ini saya akan menjelaskan perangkat mesin vespa super yang terdiri dari
Karburator adalah satu komposisi alat yang mengatur suplai bahan bakar ke ruang bakar, ini sebuah alat yang berkerja secara kinetik tanpa alat elektronik sipengendara hanya mengatur suplai udara melalui tuas gas yan ada distang kemudi lalu perangkat lainnya dari karburator menyesuaikan dengan sendirinya.
Yang disebut Proses pengapian adalah terjadinya satu percikan api busi sebagai penyulut bahan bakar yang telah tercampur dan terbilas oleh poros engkol atau krukas yang ada dalam ruang bakar guna terjadinya ledakan yang menghasilkan dorongan seher. Api yang ada di busi daihasilkan dari SPUL PLATINA yang ada dalam medan magnet, setrum dari spul di stabilkan KONDENSATOR berukuran 2 farad lalu di sinyalkan atau sistem pemulsaran oleh PLATINA setrum yang melalui proses di atas di perkuat atau perbesar oleh KOIL, proses ini berdampak percikan api di BUSI berkekuatan lebih dari 4000 voltase dengan titik ampere lemah
Ruang bakar adalah satu ruang yang ada di dalam mesin vespa untuk menghasilkan tenaga berkapasitas 150 CC, di sini terjadi proses MIXTURISASI atau penyampuran antara bahan bakar berjenis bensin dengan udara KRUKAS atau poros engkol stelah bahan bakartercampur di transperkan oleh seher yang nya tlah terdorong oleh proses sebelumnya melelui rongga ransfering yang ada pada BLOK SILINDER, lalu bahan bakar mengalami penekannan ke ruang vakum yang ada pada HEAD SILINDER di sini lah terjadi ledakan hasil dari tekanan dan percikan api busi, sisa bahan bakar yang berjenis korbon dioksida dibuang ke udara lepas melalui lubang buang mengarah ke KNALPOT yang berfungsi menmanfaatkan gas buang sebagai kompresi balik untuk menyempurnakan proses selanjutnya, dan juga knalpot ini berfungsi sebagai peredam suara ledakan,
Tiga proses di atas menghasilkan rotasi atau perputaran mesin dan gir-gir yang ada di girbok di melalui KOPLING atau cluth yang berpungsi sebagai otomatis penetral putaran gir sesui dengan keinginan pengendara dalam gir bok terdiri dari GEAR PRIMER atau lebih di kenal dengan gigi borobudur rotasi dari gigi borobudur ini berhubungan langsung dengan GEAR SEKUNDER atau lebih dikenal sebagai gigi seri. Pengaturan transmisi dari kecepatan gigi 1 ke 4 doleh CRASH GEAR atau gigi silang pengaturan ini langsung di hubung kan ke kendali atau stang motor, keunikan mesin ini dalam mantransferkan tenaga tidak menggunakan sistem rantai. Dalam perawatan lebih murah dan mudah yang terpenting adalah ketelitian dan ka apikan kit menggunakan mesin ini.
Selasa, 06 Maret 2012
History of Piaggio and Vespa Motor scooters (Based on How to Restore and Maintain Your Vespa Motor scooter Book, by Bob Darnell & Bob Golfen)
Vespa motor scooter is emblematic of all that is romantic and carefree
about the Continental lifestyle, a virtual symbol of Italy, and a
stylistic icon readily connected with youth and adventure. For many
parts of the world, Vespa scooter are also a workhorse of basic
transportation, a ubiquitous urban presence in European and Asian
nation – the buzzing of motor scooter is still heard throughout ancient
alleys and wide boulevard. With more than 15 million sold in a
half-century of production, Vespa models are far and away the
best-selling motor scooter of all time.
For Italians, the Vespa scooter has a broader meaning, symbolic of their country’s reemergence as a major industrial power from the shambles of World War II. It shows how a complex economic problem can be reduced to the elegant simplicity of a motor scooter. And Vespa designs serve to demonstrate the Italian sense of style and innovation.
From its roots of providing basic transportation and the bare beginnings of economic survival for the people of Italy devastated by World War II, to its role as treed-setting fashion accessory during the turbulent 1960s, the Vespa motor scooter has retained its general design and overall mission. The style and culture fit in well with today’s youth, who appreciate the retro charm and post-industrial. Old scooters fauns parked in garages and basements are being resurrected, restored, and ridden by a new generation.
Piaggio, the company that developed and produces the Vespa scooter, goes back more that a century, founded in Genoa by Rinaldo Piaggio in 1884 as Societa Anonima Piaggio. Originally dedicated to producing woodworking machinery, the company was soon engaged in building railroad cars for the booming rail industry. Latter, the company built commercial vehicles, automobiles, and boats. During World War I, Piaggio began to take part in the fledgling aviation industry by making airplane parts in 1914, and the following year, entire airplane. Piaggio’s innovative bent soon emerged as he developed such advances as as pressurized cabins and retractable landing gear. An aviation engine designed by Piaggio set 20 word records during the 1920s.
In 1938, Rinaldo Piaggio died, leaving the company’s two factories in Tuscany to Enrico Piaggio, 33, and his younger brother, Armando, 31. The timing for two young industrialist to take over their father’s business couldn’t have been worse, as fascist dictator Benito Mussolini had cemented his power in Italy and was poised to enter a pact for world conquest with Germany’s Nazi leader, Adolph Hitler.
During the war, the factories cranked out aircraft for the Axis war effort, developing several fighters and Italy’s only heavy bomber. Naturally, the factories became prime targets for Allied bombing raids. They were hit again and again, and at war’s end, the factory lay in ruins, and more than 10,000 Piaggio employees were out of work. But then, much of Italy was a shambles, all its industries bombed and destroyed, its people poverty stricken and demoralized. Under terms of the Allied peace agreement, Piaggio was banned from producing aircraft, which left Enrico Piaggio, who by then had taken over the business, casting about for a new product once he had rebuilt a factory in which to produce it.
was a struggle in post-war Italy. Automobiles were expensive and in
extremely short supply, even if people could find enough gasoline to
run them. Most of Italy’s workforce depended on a scant number of
bicycles to fulfill modest transportation needs. Piaggio, with his
background in transportation, saw the need of the people and a way to
get his factories humming again with a product that would be relatively
easy to produce and allowed under terms of the peace agreement. And as
it turned out, it was a product that would boost the morale of a
defeated nation. Soon, he was devising a new kind of basic vehicle so
innovative that it would forge his mark on the second half of the
twentieth century.
didn’t invent the motor scooter. It had been tried before, but without
much real success. The earlier scooter were mired in bicycle and
motorcycle technology, failing to move beyond the tried and true, and
turned out to be heavy, clumsy, and slow. Piaggio’s vision of a scooter
was absolutely unique, more like a two-wheeled auto-mobile than a
bicycle—a clean, comfortable vehicle that a could be driven by anyone
with ease.
Piaggio had observed a failed effort by the Italian army to provide small scooters for paratroopers. Called the Aeromoto, it was produced by the Turin company, Societa Volugrafo, and design to be parachuted out of airplanes along with the soldiers, who would use them to buzz their way over to the battle front more quickly. Perhaps a good idea, but the Aeromoto was so poorly designed, underpowered, and unstable that the plan was quickly abandoned, along with the scooters.
In 1945, two of piaggio’s design engineers, Vittorio Casini and
Renzo Spolti, produced a scooter based on a small motorcycle being
built at his Biella plant. They had taken an earlier scooter design,
the peculiar SIMAT designed by Vittorio Belmondo in the late 1930s, and
built on the basic idea. What they produced was an ungainly
contraption, nicknamed Paparino, the Italian derivative of Donald Duck,
which mockingly reflected its odd, ducklike shape. Piaggio himself
described it as “a horrible-looking thing,” and it was soundly
ridiculed by the press and public.Piaggio had observed a failed effort by the Italian army to provide small scooters for paratroopers. Called the Aeromoto, it was produced by the Turin company, Societa Volugrafo, and design to be parachuted out of airplanes along with the soldiers, who would use them to buzz their way over to the battle front more quickly. Perhaps a good idea, but the Aeromoto was so poorly designed, underpowered, and unstable that the plan was quickly abandoned, along with the scooters.
But from those humble efforts, Piaggio saw the spark of genius. Paparino had fired his emplotees back to work and Italy back on wheels. Piaggio wanted to build a new kind of scooter that would be inexpensive, economical, light-weigh and maneuverable, and able to be ridden comfortably by women as well as men. He wanted the rider of his scooter to be shielded from dirt, pudled, and the bike’s mechanical parts, the same as a person driving a car. And he wanted it to be the soul of simplicity, easy to build, easy to understand, and easy to repair.
To help realize his vision, Piaggio in 1945 enlisted the help of his head designer, engineer Corradino D’Ascanio, the inventor of the helicopter, who took his vast knowledge of automobile and aircraft design and narrowed its complexities down to the most basic of terms.
D’Ascanio disliked traditional motorcycles and felt that they had more defects than attributes—uncomfortable seating position, exposure to puddles and road debris, dangerous drive chain, and difficulty in repairing flat tires, among other faults. So he set out to create something that would take Paparino a giant step further along, and well away from motorcycle technology. A major part of D’Ascanio’s innovative work came from his understanding of stressed-skin body-work, used extensively in aircraft, in which the body serves double duty as an outside frame, eliminating any sort of separate supporting structure. Today, we know this as monocoque, or unibody, design, with essentially every passenger vehicle based on the concept. But in 1945, it was radical thinking.
In just three months, D’Ascanio delivered his assignment. When the engineer returned with his take on scooter design, Piaggio was impressed with the result. D’Ascanio’s scooter was smooth and aerodynamic, with an overall shape that looked strikingly modern. As Piaggio looked at the scooter’s narrow waist and wide, rounded rear aspect, and heard the buzzing of the little 98-cc engine, he remarked, “Semba una vespa,” which in Italian meant, “It seems like a wasp.” Of course, “Vespa” is the name that stuck, and remains still, all around the globe.
It became the prototype Vespa motor scooter. It was constructed without a supporting frame, instead using a sheet-metal fuselage. It has a broad shield to deflect splashes and debris from the rider, who sat upright gripping wide handlebars. The front fork was substituted with a one-sided wheel assembly and suspension much like the tail-dragger wheel of an airplane. A drive chain or drive shaft was unnecessary because the unitized engine and drive train were hidden within the bodywork of the scooter, shielding the rider from grease, dirt, and oil. D’Ascanio had taken elements of motorcycles, bicycles, automobiles, and aircraft to create something new altogether.
prototype was introduced to the world in 1946 in the posh surroundings
of the Rome Golf Club before a gathering of Italian leaders and
aristocracy. Quickly, it was hailed as Italy’s first post-war innovation
and recognize for its practically and usefulness. And for the first
time in many years of militaristic oppression, the scooter represented
something that was fun and uplifting, just as it is today.
The first run of Vespa scooter was examined and tested by skeptical
journalists, who were soon won over by the scooter’s surprising
attributes, despite their early negative reactions. Most impressive,
the press decided, were the handling, the performance from the
two-cycle engine, the ease of operation, and the fact that anyone
wearing a skirt or a nice pair of dress pants could ride in comfort and
arrive at his or her destination without mussed clothes.Yes, it was immediately obvious that here was a two-wheeled vehicle that could be used by woman as practically as men. Besides its light and easy operation, the motor scooter offered its unique protective apron and floor, step-through entry, and a seat that allowed the rider to sit upright as in a chair, rather than having to straddle it like a motorcycle—a highly unladylike position in 1940s Italy, especially while wearing a dress.
Bolstered by the favorable reception, Piaggio immediately had 100 scooters made in a preliminary run. A deal was forget with Lancia, a prestigious make of automobile, to sell the first batch in its dealerships. The 100 were soon gone, and a production run of 2,500 scooters was undertaken. In all, 2,181 were sold in 1946, 10,535 in 1947, and nearly 20,000 in 1948.
But many others loved the Vespa scooter and all that it represented. It was innovative, it was stylish, and it was affordable, all the things that poor and war-weary Italians were longing for. Piaggio weathered all complaints, confident that its new motor scooter would take the world by storm. Which it did.
Italian women were greatly affected by this new mode of transportation, giving them a taste of freedom and mobility they’d never had before. The Vespa scooter’s sophisticated, feminine form was quickly viewed as the stylish and cosmopolitan way for women to travel and be seen traveling on Roman roads. And for young men, the motor scooter became a means of both attracting young women and spiriting them away for a more private rendezvous. As they buzzed about those drab post-war city streets and country roads, the whimsically modern shape of the scooter must have seemed like bright spots of joy.
The early scooters, with their rigid rear suspensions, fender-mounted headlights, exposed engine covers and bicycle-style handlebars, are today know mainly as “rod models” because of the complex system of solid control rods that actuated the gear change. While rod bikes have plenty of appear today because of their novelty, at the time, the changeover to flexible cable in 1951 was greatly appreciated by contemporary riders. Still, 65,000 of the last run of rod-model scooters were sold during 1950.
The earliest models had no provision to cool the engine, despite its confined location. In 1948, the air-cooled engine was kept from overheating by cleverly incorporating a fan attached to the flywheel that forced air over the cylinder’s cooling fins, a design that remains to this day.
And so began Vespa motorscooter’s rapid rise in popularity that very quickly encompassed the entire world, eventually being produced in 13 different nations and totaling more than 15 million scooters sold in more than 50 years of production. Piaggio’s Scooters are still being made in plants in Italy, Germany, France, Japan, India, and other Asian nations. The Asian scooters being built today are not very different from the Vespa models made during the 1970s.
Piaggio’s only serious competition arose in 1947, when the Innocenti corporation began producing its Lambretta, outwardly similar but fundamentally different from the Vespa design. Where the Vespa scooter had a stressed-steel structure, Lambretta used a backbone frame. The suspension, drivelines, and most other details were also different. Most significantly, it was the Vespa design that became the archetypal scooter, identified as such around the world, while Lambretta always ran a distant second, until its last scooter in 1971.
Though updated many times over the years, the shape of every Vespa scooter is basically the same, from its contoured steel apron to its low, rounded-off rear. The steady progression of change in the details and mechanical parts endow every Vespa model with its own character, its own style, and its own personality. Naturally, some models have become more desirable than others, capturing a certain stylistic era or performance edge that sets its apart. Some have a stronger personality than others.
Like the VW Beetle, every Vespa scooter is a classic, its basic
style staying the same but with the mechanical and stylistic details
ever changing. And like the Beetle, it’s easy for many people to see all
the Vespa models as looking the same. But when one starts looking more
closely at the details, the various change made throughout the years,
such as subtle contour changes in body style, taillights and trim,
become easy to identify. Plus models come in various size and engine
displacement, from the small-frame bikes with engine size ranging from
50-cc to 125-cc, to the bigger body with engine going up to the
powerful 200-cc models.Though updated many times over the years, the shape of every Vespa scooter is basically the same, from its contoured steel apron to its low, rounded-off rear. The steady progression of change in the details and mechanical parts endow every Vespa model with its own character, its own style, and its own personality. Naturally, some models have become more desirable than others, capturing a certain stylistic era or performance edge that sets its apart. Some have a stronger personality than others.
One thing that has stayed the same is the one-cylinder, two-cycle engine that is the heart of every Vespa scooter. The first models were powered by a 98-cc two-cycle engine, rated at 3.3 horse-power, mounted horizontally, and acting directly on the drive wheel via a three-speed transmission. Although the engine changed over the years, the design stayed basically the same. Simple to maintain or repair, each two-stroke engine produces a surprising amount of power and torque for its size, allowing most of urban traffic. The bigger displacement models are able to go cross country touring in comfort.
The engine and transmission are durable and reliable. The Piaggio corporation had so much faith in the durability of Vespa transmissions that, during the 1960s, it provided all its scooters with a lifetime transmission warranty. But the two-stroke engine were also the downfall of the Vespa scooter in the United States, where pollution concerns created emissions standards that the engine could never pass. Piaggio temporarily suspended roles of scooters in the U.S. market in 1986, steering its production to other parts of the world.
It may seem surprising today, but Piaggio got its star in the United States through Sears-Roebuck department stores and catalogs, arriving in 1951. Because Sears was selling the scooters as their own product, the bikes were named “Allstate” instead of “Vespa”. They were stripped-down, bare-bones 125-cc models, similar to Italian U-models, which were green in color like the All states. (Rumor was that Piaggio had commandeered a tremendous stash of war-surplus green paint, to gain the range of green shades used on each scooters). Sears sold the Vespa-Allstates in the catalog alongside cheaper Cushman-All states scooters. Though U.S. made Cushmans were popular throuh the late 1940s and early 1950s, they were simple, slow and ungainly, both in appearance and performance, compared with the elegance and sophistication of the Vespa scooters.
Sears marketers could certainly tell the difference. The Cushmans
were show in small photos, and were labeled “a fine American motor
scooter,” while the Vespa-Allstates had larger photos and were called:
“Our finest motor scooter, the great All states Cruisaire.” One ad read
alluringly, “ Go ‘Continental’ with this fine Italian-styled
powerhouse.” The price tag: $325.95. When you order your Vespa-Allstate
through a Sears catalog, it arrived at your door in a big wooden box,
and was partially disassembled. Sears stores provided service and parts
for the scooters at its region stores.It may seem surprising today, but Piaggio got its star in the United States through Sears-Roebuck department stores and catalogs, arriving in 1951. Because Sears was selling the scooters as their own product, the bikes were named “Allstate” instead of “Vespa”. They were stripped-down, bare-bones 125-cc models, similar to Italian U-models, which were green in color like the All states. (Rumor was that Piaggio had commandeered a tremendous stash of war-surplus green paint, to gain the range of green shades used on each scooters). Sears sold the Vespa-Allstates in the catalog alongside cheaper Cushman-All states scooters. Though U.S. made Cushmans were popular throuh the late 1940s and early 1950s, they were simple, slow and ungainly, both in appearance and performance, compared with the elegance and sophistication of the Vespa scooters.
In those days, scooters were big in the United States, with Cushmans, Simplex, Salisbury, Autoped, and others enjoying raging popularity. The Vespa-Allstates were highly successful, with thousands sold by Sears through 1969. With their three-speed, clutch-operated gearboxes and superior handling and driveability, not to mention European styling, the Vespa-Allstates quickly became the runway favorites, the “finest” scooter on the road.
All this encouraged Piaggio to enter the U.S. market on the Vespa brand’s own merit. Around 1995, Vespa dealerships began cropping up in urban areas. Soon, thousands of scooters labeled “Vespa” were joining the Allstates.
Piaggio, meanwhile, had begun manufacturing other products for industrial use, based on the technology developed for the scooters. They used the Vespa motors for industrial engines, snowplows, and small three-wheeled vehicles that were used for a wide variety of purposes and called the Ape (pronounced ah-pey, which is Italian foe bee). Ape employed a scooter front end and, from the rear seat back, a platform that could be fitted with a variety of utility bodies, such as small dump trucks, delivery vans, and pickups. These were ubiquitous on urban streets, and became familiar to most American in the background of many Italian movie scenes.
They also made a Vespa car, but it was a completely different vehicle from the scooter or Ape, not utilizing a single one of the scooter parts. Manufactured in France from 1958 through 1961 by a Piaggio division called ACMA, these little cars competed with Fiats, giving the Italian giant a run for its money, especially among women drivers because of its style and magical Piaggio nameplate. But only about 34,000 Vespa cars were manufactured.
Feeling threatened by the upstart automaker, Fiat warned Piaggio that it could build its own line of scooters and put Piaggio out of business. This is why the Vespa 400 was built in France and never imported to Italy, though it was sold in such nation as Germany, France, Belgium, and United States. In 1959, with the marriage of a ruling-family Fiat male to a ruling-family Piaggio female, the relationship between the industrial giants was cemented. After a few years of close partnership with Fiat, Piaggio quit building the little cars altogether.
In the United States, Vespa car sales were slow, even though they were advertised in such popular publications as Playboy, joining splashy ads for other such European offerings as MG and Alfa Romeo. Other than sports cars, small cars were not yet popular in the United States, where huge Buicks and Chryslers were crowding the highways and competing in horsepower wars. Little cars were something for clowns to jump out of at the circus. Soon Volkswagen would change American’s view of small cars, but that would be too late for the Vespa car.
Piaggio’s real business was scooters, and the colossal growth of the two-wheeled Vespa models mirrored Italy’s return to economic health, though with a post-war twist. And it heralded the birth of modern-day marketing, From day one, Piaggio pumped the advertising, and the advertising pumped the Vespa brand. The advertising was often as exciting as the people who were creating the scooters, the marketing as brilliant as the Vespa design, and soon Vespa motor scooters had a bright and youthful image around the globe.
In 1956, Piaggio marked an important milestone, the sale of its one-millionth scooter worldwide, a victory over the early naysayers and cause for celebration throughout Italy. To honor the rousing success, the Italian government declared Vespa Day in April of that year, and the impromptu holiday was celebrated with festivals in 15 different cities. A horde of 2,000 Vespa scooters roared through Rome, snarling traffic.
By then, Vespa scooters were being built under license in a number of countries, including France, Germany, and England.
Vespa manufacture in England is a story in itself. The Douglas company of Bristol built motorcycles for many years in England before discovering motor scooters. Owner Claude McCormack was inspired while on vacation in 1948 by the sight of them buzzing around the streets of Italy, and he envisioned a similar transportation revolution for Great Britain. As in Italy, Britons had to deal with scarce, expensive gasoline and a shortage of automobiles after World War II. Like the Italians, their cars were tiny, so the transition to a small, two-wheeled “car” like the motor scooter did not seem like such a stretch.
McCormack forged an agreement with Piaggio to build Vespa models on British soil, and in early 1951, began producing scooters. The 125-cc Douglas scooter was nearly identical to the Piaggio scooter, right down to the same metallic-green paint scheme. But it had an immediately obvious difference: instead of having the headlight mounted on the fender, the Douglas scooter had the headlight mounted on the legshield below the handlebars. This design was in accordance with British law governing headlight heights, but it created the obvious detriment of the headlight no longer turning with the direction of the front wheel.
the sheet metal, there were some minor mechanical differences, as the
Douglas company bought most of its outsourced components from British
manufactures instead of Italian ones. Lucas electrical systems, Amal
carburetors instead of the otherwise ubiquitous Dell’Ortos,
British-made seats and tires were among the differences. But
essentially, Douglas was building Vespa scooters.
The Douglas scooters caught on, and soon many thousands of them were
running around England. Douglas followed Piaggio in upgrading the
models through the years. Unlike Piaggio, Douglas changed its model
numbers each year, so that a VS2 built in the 1956 model year became a
VS3 the following year, and so forth. That was Douglas’s designation
for the Vespa 150 GS. After building more than 1125,000 scooters,
Douglas quit making them in 1964, but continued importing them from
Italy for many years thereafter.During the 1960s, scooter mania exploded in England, where Vespa motor scooters were embraced by stylish young Mods. Their Carnaby Street image and intelligent playfulness on carefully customized scooters clashed with the blue-collar Rockers on British Triumph, BSA, and Norton motorcycles. Rod Stewart, the Dave Clark Five, and of course, The Who, were Adherents of the Mod’s musical, artistic, and cultural style. The trendy Who movie, Quadrophenia, present a look at the violent encounters between the Mods and the Rockers. Decades later, The Who’s music remains part of Vespa pop culture, with stylish young people still encountering resistance, tough now from Americas on big Harley-Davidson motorcycles.
By the 1960s, vespa scooters had been given more horsepower, a rear suspension, better brakes, better electrics, and more streamlined shapes. The 150 GS model of 1955 began the classic era, setting the stylistic current and engine design that would carry Vespa scooters for more than two decades. A smaller, entry-level model, now called the small frame, was powered by a 50-cc engine that took advantage of laws in some European countries that allowed younger drivers to pilot mopeds with engine displacements of 50-cc or less. In France, redundant pedals were added to qualify it as a moped. Later, a 90-cc and a 125-cc version were added to the line of inexpennsive small frame.
Piaggio continued its line of success through the 1970s, developing motor scooters that were faster, sleeker, and more efficient, while staying true to the original design and intent. The 200 Rally became the hot scooter on the street, boasting 12 horsepower, a top speed exceeding 60 miles per hour and, according to the factory, the ability to go to long-distance touring without fear of breakdown. The 200 Rally also was the first Vespa model with oil injection, freeing riders from having to mix lubricating oil with the gasoline. Oil-injected scooters were largely a U.S. phenomenon, the Europeans preferring to premix their own.
The bigger, faster P-series bikes made their appearance in 1978, with shaper styling that looked more modern at the time, but seen from today’s vantage, losing the rounded classic look that made the earlier scooters so appealing. But while Vespa scooters had reached a stage of development where they were more practical, more comfortable, and more reliable, they also were coming up hard against U.S. environmental concerns. The two-cycle engine, long a hallmark of Vespa design, could not be refined enough to suit clean air regulations.
Faced with the environmental pressure and overwhelming competition from Japan, Piaggio pulled out of the U.S. marked in 1986. But still a strong demand drove production of motorscooterd, including Piaggio’s subsequent model, the Cosa, in Europe and Asia. In India, a Vespa plant still turns out scooters, affordable and suitable for crowded urban and rural roads. City street throughout Southeast Asia also are packed with Vespa scooters. In trendy, affluent Japan, classic Vespa models have become a fashionable accessory for stylish young people.
And in Italy, the Vespa motor scooter continues its reign as an urban icon, buzzing through narrow Roman streets, still remembered and revered as the invention that helped bring Italy back from the ruins of war and economic collapse, still emblematic of the Continental lifestyle, and still the same basic design rolled out in 1946.
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